Friday, 24 July 2009

The Choir Tour

Much as with the week's holiday in France, a brief selection of highlights follows:

Moving everything I own up many flights of extremely steep stairs.

Kartoffelkäfer, if only for the name.

Berlin Schönefeld Airport, waiting for the S-Bahn at 0:30.

La Piazza, for the faux Italian who admitted he was actually Kenyan.

Boat trip on the Havel, for the amazingly unfriendly waitress (special mention to the staff at Berlin Cathedral, commiseration prize to the Potsdam Church lady).

Rossmann: A great place for all your toothpaste, breadbasket and bathroom mirror needs...

Starbucks: For not being Schloss Sanssouci (and for hijacking the Fernsehturm).

Hugendubel: For the magical Moleskine vocab diary (to be detailed later perhaps) and Wocochinos!

Restaurant Ranke 2 for the following situation: During an intense discussion of politics I was forced to make the following statement, "I think I may have dropped some Boulette in my shoe."

Café am neuen See: two excellent evenings.

And, last but not least: Somerville College Chapel Choir, for being such a lovely bunch of people and fine musicians, tolerant of an extra Germanist.

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