Sunday, 9 August 2009

Would you like some internet with your lingerie?

My current residence is sadly devoid of interwebs. I have managed to alleviate this problem by buying a rather inelegantly named Internet Stick from Tchibo. Yes, Tchibo, the place that sells coffee, household wares and underwear. It does have limits on download/upload etc. but is quite a handy solution for internet in a fix.

I try covertly to top up my account online while at work (Tchibo apparently being one of the few sites unblocked by the company's draconian filter, though it has since been blocked...), but when faced with an intimidatingly large picture of a scantily clad woman (in anthracite jazzpants apparently) I close the window sharpish. I suspect even the title of the page 'So sinnlich - Dessous, Nachtwäsche & Accessoires' will be hard to explain away.

It also strikes me that 'sinnlich', a possible translation of which is the somewhat unappealing 'fleshly', is not a good word to mix up with 'sinnvoll' when doing translations or otherwise...

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