Sunday, 16 August 2009

Episode II: Revenge of the Bureaucracy

Early in the week, an email arrives at work. In it, a list of six administrative items I have yet to supply and need by Friday in order to get paid for August. These are: Sozialversicherungsausweis, Lohnsteuerkarte, Bankverbindung, Kopie meines Reisepasses, Krankenkasseformular and Einkommensteuerbefreiungsformular. I explain that my upcoming change of address makes the first two items well nigh impossible to obtain, supply the 3rd and 4th and set about completing the last two.

For some reason, EHIC cards/E111 forms are not quite enough in these parts, and some other form of insurance is preferred. The DAAD offers reasonable insurance for students spending years abroad in Germany (full health/medical cover for €23,50/month) and are very easy to deal with, so I might recommend them to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

A Lohnsteuerkarte, while strictly unnecessary when earning the kind of wages normal for Praktikante, or indeed anyone on their year abroad, still seems to be something people like you to have. Getting hold of a Sozialversicherungsausweis individually is quite difficult and is something your employers/university/school should be able to help you with if necessary.

Here's to a happy Ummeldung in the coming week.

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