Saturday, 17 October 2009

Telcos and Dashboards

Work progresses, as is its wont. The volume remains much the same. My highly sophisticated scheduling for the release of a product update has kicked off, thrilling texts need to be written.

Seeing as my mug has now been plastered online in a different place, my anonymity is somewhat hindered. Hence, if you want some mild entertainment reading some very forced blog-esque English, you can do worse than to go to

Last Thursday involved a short 5 minute tele-conference talk on current marketing activities to around 20 people around Europe, it was thrilling.

A hike in the hills

Last weekend involved a jolly hike in the Alps with Almuth, Lucy and Anna. Sadly, the weather was not as good as the previous expedition. However, were it not for the rain, we would not have stopped in Cafe Irmi and enjoyed the hilarity of a somewhat incompetent late-middle-aged waitress and the Muckefuck Kaffee.


Ginger-spiced bundles of delight

The winter/pre-ante-christmas season does at least bring with it some small succour in the form of Lebkuchen, Magenbrot, Pfeffernüsse, Contessa thingies, Chocolate Hearts etc. These are heaped fetchingly about the local supermarkets in piles guaranteed to make me buy multiple varieties.

Unable to resist their confectionary siren song, the kitchen did rapidly end up stocked with more of these than almost any other foodstuff, save drinking yoghurts, buttermilk and kefir. People at work seem mildly horrified that I am almost single-handedly fuelling the pre-christmas food buying frenzy. Apparently it is not the done thing to be eating them this early, much like with Easter eggs.

On a similar culinary note, it seems that the German pork stereotype is not far from the mark. The canteen does offer a choice of four main items for lunch every day, but they seem only to be able to cook pork with any degree of skill. Earlier last week, I calculated that pork had been served on 6 consecutive days and had each time been the only appealing option. Mmmm Wurstschnecke...

Now is the winter of our mild peevishness

We are still on summer time here in Augsburg, yet this appears to have little bearing on reality. It has snowed each of the last two days and the weather forecast suggests it is going to do the same today. This is not a major problem except in as much as it adds an extra degree of indecision to the morning routine, namely: "Do I really want to go to work by bicycle today?".

This is influenced by several factors: stepping outside the house feels like being immersed in an unforgiving ice bath, the pavements are additionally slippery and hence dopey students less readily avoidable and cars threatening instant injury when pulling out of sideroads are now an even greater risk. A moment of weakness resulted in a commute by car on Friday, the excuse being that the bike really needs a serious clean before it is in decent riding condition.

In an attempt to ameliorate this tiresome state of affairs, I have obtained a balaclava, ensuring that I not only look like a criminal but also have a warmish face. The added bonus is that old ladies seem to have become inexplicably charitable towards me of late. I must try heading into the convent across the road.

The other nuisance is that winter tires are apparently a necessity in this part, enforced by the police. It is utterly ridiculous to buy these in October, but they might become necessary later on. Another unwanted expense.